Team Building & Leadership Development Programs

Our Team Building challenges are designed to guide participants toward the concept of getting outside of their comfort zone and finding new ways to work together. Taking risks, trusting others, and exploring the dynamic of self-coaching are elements that transform teams to reach a whole new level of productivity and motivation.

Select from our Team Building and Leadership Development programs below for the ideal program to reach your group’s specific goals.

Team Building and Leadership Development Programs

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Treetop Zip Tour

Take empowerment and team building to a whole new level for your group with the Treetop Zip Tour by Empower Adventures. This one-of-a-kind adventure experience, nestled in the heart of the historic village of Middleburg, VA and on the property of the stunning Salamander Resort & Spa, will serve as just the right amount of challenge to get your team out of their comfort zones to provide those triumphant feelings and bonding moments that become magic back at the office.  You’ll revel in pride as your group conquers these challenges together and appreciate the impact of these life changing skills. 

Group Reservation Required

 $149+ per person

1.5-2 hours

Soar Group

This custom built team building program combines the Treetop Zip Tour with our “Teaming Up” ground-based adventure activities. The combination of these different activities will provide your group with an experience that will be fun and exhilarating as well as meaningful and insightful. Empower staff facilitate both the Zip Tour and the ground-based portion. Each program is custom designed to meet the needs of the group, but generally the group starts with tone-setting activities to bring the team together, get everyone working and connecting together prior to the Zip Tour.

Group Reservation Required

$219+ per person

4 hours

Emerge Team Building

Emerge is about providing a challenging yet uplifting, team bonding experience.  With all Teaming Up activities ground based, this iterative process allows teams to explore how they organize and communicate their goals, roles, interactions and planning processes. These initiatives invite teams to think creatively to solve problems and challenges. Emerge provides the “AHA” moments, many times during the debrief which follows each of the ground-based challenges. The “Teaming Up” are considered “challenge by choice” in that participants can opt-out of anything outside their physical abilities.

Group Reservation Required

$75+ per person

2 hours

Deluxe Survival Challenge

Alongside experienced instructors, take off into the woods for a true Survivor experience. This course provides a great team building opportunity as well as a chance to learn valuable life saving techniques if one ever finds themselves in a survival situation. From shelter building and water purification to rope skills and self-rescue techniques, this is the perfect “wake-up/out-in-nature” style experience for your team.  Team members will naturally be nudged outside of their comfort zones as they consider the consequences to their actions or inactions during this training simulation. 

Group Reservation Required

$149+ per person

2 hours

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